by admin2 | Jun 25, 2019 | Blog
Most parents would agree that raising a teen is a difficult task. When a child enters adolescence, he starts becoming his own person, and that process usually comes with its own set of challenges – first crushes, mood swings, and peer pressure, to name a few....
by admin2 | May 23, 2019 | Blog
It is fairly common for babies to suck on their thumbs, fingers, or even a pacifier during infancy. A self-soothing practice, thumb sucking stems from a baby’s need to feel comforted and secure in his surroundings (not to mention it also helps them fall asleep!)....
by admin2 | Apr 26, 2019 | Blog
Bad breath can happen to the best of us. Your mouth can give off a bad smell if you just had a cup of coffee or devoured a plate full of garlic pasta.But what if it persists even after you have brushed your teeth?Prolonged bad breath can be a cause of serious worry,...
by admin2 | Mar 28, 2019 | Blog
The human body has a peculiar way of telling us that something is wrong with our health!Gum disease is the least expected but prevalent condition today. Gum problems usually appear in the form of infection in the tissues that surround your teeth and holds them in...
by admin2 | Mar 11, 2019 | Blog
Teeth replacements have become quite common in the last few decades. Missing teeth leads to various problems such as the inability to chew properly and infections. The best solution is to get proper replacements for missing or decaying teeth.In this blog, we are going...