TMJ Disorder – What Is It And Could I Have It?

What is TMJ? You’ve probably heard of it before, but there are so many terms and health conditions nowadays, it’s impossible to keep all those terms straight! TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint. Such a big word, but TMJ is a joint that connects your skull to your...

Are veneers right for you?

What are veneers?They are thin coverings that are put over your existing teeth to make them look more uniform and look just like natural teeth. They can be used to solve a variety of dental problems.Porcelain veneers are custom-made to fit your teeth! They are built...

What is a root canal, and why do you need it?

You might not know whether you need a root canal or not, but if you have painful, damaged teeth, it might be the time.These are common symptoms to look for:- Pimples on your gums- Chipped or cracked teeth- Severe pain while chewing or biting- Tender and swollen gums-...

why brushing your teeth keeps you healthy

We all know that brushing your teeth is important to keep your breath smelling good and keep your mouth healthy. But do you know the reason and science behind why brushing your teeth keeps you healthy? Find out here!Keeps plaque awayBrushing twice a day keeps the...

3 Foods You Didn’t Know Were Bad For Your Teeth

When we start our daily intake of food, our teeth don’t usually have a say in the choice of foods we opt for. Therefore, it is important to take a little extra care of our teeth by knowing about all types of foods that may harm them. Some foods that seem healthy...
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