5 Bad Habits that Can Harm Your Teeth! 

We all have habits that we engage in, whether they’re good or bad for our health. When it comes to our teeth, some of these habits can be detrimental to our oral health. In this blog post, we’ll share five bad habits that can harm your teeth and how to...

5 Tips to Keep Your Teeth and Gums Healthy

1. Brush regularly and gently It is recommended to brush your teeth twice a day, but you must remember to gently remove all the plaque in your teeth each time you brush. Brush in a small circular motion by going front, back, and top of every tooth. You Should brush...

Everything You Should Know About Gum Massage!

If you have gum issues, it is important to practice gum massage! Massages can help you with the following:- Make your gums healthy: Massage helps with blood circulation in the gums that can help them stay healthy and strong- Prevent disease: Gum disease is one of the...

10 Teeth-staining Foods You Need to Avoid

Here are some of the most common types of food and drink that stain your teeth. They contain chemical compounds like chromogens, tannin, or acids that will give stains. You don’t need to cut these types of food or drinks out of your diet, but limiting them is...
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