Tips for How to Properly Floss

When it comes to taking care of your teeth, there’s a big difference between doing it and doing it right. Many of us go through the motions of flossing our teeth, but if you’re not doing it right, we aren’t gaining all of the health benefits of flossing that we could...

How To Take Care of Your Child’s Teeth

Your child’s baby teeth may not seem important enough to take care of. But, doing so and teaching your children to take care of them will establish healthy habits for their futures. If you’re not sure when to start or what to do, here are a few helpful...

How To Keep Your Teeth White

So, you’ve just had your teeth professionally cleaned, and you love them! But, now you’re probably wondering how to keep them sparkling white. It is possible for a time, but you may need touch-ups every couple of months. Until then, here are some of the best tips and...

Brushing vs. Flossing

How many times have you walked into the dentist, sat down in the chair and been asked: “When was the last time you flossed?” You lay there with fingers in your mouth and mumble “Uhh. You were there.” Probably most times. The majority of people don’t understand how...

The Cause of Sensitive Teeth and How To Treat It

Does it hurt when you drink cold water? Hot chocolate? Eat ice cream? Those are signs that your teeth are on the sensitive side. However, it’s pretty common. “A new survey of U.S. dental offices finds that one in eight people has over-sensitive teeth.” But that...
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