An important part of keeping your mouth healthy is taking care of your gums. If you find your gums are sensitive, forming bumps, or bleeding, that could be a sign that you should see your dentist to have them take a look. But even if there’s nothing wrong with your gums, preventative care is still an important part of your daily routine. Here are five ways that you can take care of your gums.

Brushing Your Teeth

This may seem obvious, and everyone is hopefully already in the habit of brushing your teeth. When you brush your teeth you’re removing built up bacteria and plaque from your teeth. But it’s also important to make sure to brush along your gum line as well. You don’t want to brush your gums too hard, this can damage your gums and also could cause bleeding. Instead, apply light pressure and brush in circles along the bottom of your teeth.

Choosing the right toothpaste is essential, look for ones that are ADA approved and contain fluoride. Replacing your toothbrush every three to four months will also help keep your teeth and gums healthy. You may have to replace your toothbrush more often if you find it’s bristles falling out or fraying.


Flossing should be done once a day, so during one of the two times a day you brush your teeth, you should floss. Floss removes the plaque that a toothbrush can’t reach in between your teeth and at the start of your gums. Without flossing, food and other bacteria can build up on your teeth that could lead to tooth decay or other problems.


Using a mouthwash meant to prevent plaque instead of one that will whiten your teeth will also help prevent gum disease. This doesn’t mean that you can’t use a mouthwash meant to whiten your teeth, just make sure you pay attention to the ingredients and look for ADA approved on it. You should also be careful about washing your mouth out with water after using mouthwash. Water could clear out the fluoride, basically taking away from its effectiveness.

Eating and Drinking

What we eat or drink affects us in a lot of ways, including our gum health. Sugary food and drinks increase the risk of plaque build up. Avoid as much of these kinds of foods and drinks as possible. That doesn’t mean you can never consume sugar again, but you should consider washing out your mouth after eating sugar.

Go To the Dentist

Regular cleanings and check-ups at your dentist office is important to gum health. Every six months you should schedule a cleaning and they’ll also check your teeth for any possible cavities or other issues. If you’re experiencing any type of pain or discomfort, you can always schedule an appointment sooner.

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